Saturday February 22nd
11am - 8pm

Blind taste wines from the following countries!
So it is the Olympics and all, and they only happen every four years, so we have to do something, right? It would be wrong to just let it pass. So we decided to put on our own version of the Wine Winter Olympics. NBC may or may not be covering the event - we're still in negotiations for the TV rights. You know how these things go....
So here is how it works. We'll have eight wines blind on the tasting machines. Two wines from each country. They will be in no particular order. You go through and taste all eight. At the end of your tasting you vote for your favorite wine. At the end of the day we will add up all the votes and next week present you with a Gold, Silver and Bronze medal winner. We'll also, as we are known to do, probably put together some amazing deals on the winners. You know, like an endorsement deal for them.
Added bonus to the Wine Olympics...our accommodations may be nicer than Sochi and you don't have to fly all the way to mother Russia. So swing on by this weekend, taste some great wine, perhaps have a little fun, and hang out with us. There may be a chance we will have a speed skating rink built inside the store for fun, but we're not sure our lawyers will let us do it...something about liability or something.
See you this Saturday!
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