Regular Price: $12.99
Winestore Price: $9.99 net
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We taste a TON of wine (tough job, we know) around the $10 price range to try and bring you the best of the best. 90% of the time the wines we taste are not even worth mentioning. 5% of the time they are the wine equivalent of a single or a double in baseball; solid, perform well and worth the price. The other 5% of the time you get the triple or the home run; the wines that outclass their peers in the price range and really make you do a double take. We did a double take with the 2010 Espelt Garnacha...it is just a pleasure to drink for only $10 and the fact it comes from one of our favorite winemakers, Jean Marc Lafage, only enhances its street cred (I mean, this guy is on a SERIOUS roll!).
The Espelt project is only about a decade old, but it's a remarkable project in the nearly forgotten corner of Emporda on the easternmost Mediterranean coast of Spain. Among the organic vineyards there are familiar varieties like Merlot, as well as some ancient Garnacha vines (which produced this wine). This has to be considered nothing short of a remarkable value. This wine is like kryptonite to wine snobs....It's inexpensive, delicious and fun.
As always, thank you for your business and we hope you enjoy the wine!
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Call BLAKENEY @ 704-443-2944
Call LAKE NORMAN @ 704-892-5662
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