Winestore Price: $19.99
Six Pack Price: $14.99*
SAVE 25%
*six pack price only available in store or over the phone. We apologize for any inconvenience.
Only 56 cases available
People of the interwebs, we have been on a Spanish wine roll over the last few weeks! It just keeps getting better! There is an argument to be made that Capcanes is the greatest wine co-op on the planet, and now there is an argument to be made that the 2010 Costers del Gravet is their greatest achievement yet. This blend of 50% Cabernet, 30% Garnacha and 20% Samso is a game changer. I know, you've heard it all before. This wine is awesome! You should buy some! It tastes great! Honestly though, we sell a lot of wines that never even make it to the e-mail. We only want to send you stuff when we think it is that special. This is one of those times.
We could sit here for hours and tell you about the wine, but we only have 56 cases to sell you across our 3 stores right now and our distributor has not told me when our next allotment of this wine is dropping. So if you are picking up what we are putting down - you need to swing on by and grab some of this cab blend. It pairs well with trick or treating and pours beautifully into red solo cups to travel around the neighborhood...just sayin'.
Order ONLINE by clicking HERE*
Call SOUTHPARK @ 704-442-4024
Call BLAKENEY @ 704-443-2944
Call LAKE NORMAN @ 704-892-5662
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