Release Price: $11.99
Winestore Price: $9.99
2 Day SALE Price: $6.99 (net)
SAVE 42%
Fellow wine drinkers,
This deal is beyond crazy. I mean, we are giddy over here with the value play that this wine represents. You will not, in your lifetime, find a wine that tastes better than this for $6.99. Ever.
There, we said it. Try and prove us wrong...it is not possible. This wine is amazing at $9.99. At $6.99 it is mind blowing. We have had Castano Hecula before, on deal at $9.99 (which is the second lowest price in the country until today), and it has been a pretty big hit. In those previous offerings we told you that the wine press had been gushing over Hecula for some 10 years now, stating:
"Is the average buyer at this price point ready for this? An amazing value"
"Perhaps the most rewarding under $15 wine I have had in a long time"
"As long as I have been drinking wine this has over-delivered in the value category"
So here we go - two days only. We'll end the sale at midnight on Thursday. Miss out if you feel like it - your friends will be crushing this stuff :)
To order you can:
Order ONLINE by clicking HERE
Call SOUTHPARK @ 704-442-4024
Call BLAKENEY @ 704-443-2944
Call LAKE NORMAN @ 704-892-5662
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