Saturday February 16th, 2013
11am - 8pm

2011 Orin Swift "The Prisoner" (New Vintage!)
2009 Bejamin Romeo "La Cueva del Contador"
2011 Mollydooker "The Boxer"
2009 Alto Moncayo "Aquilon"
2010 Rombauer Zinfandel
2009 Clos Batllet "5 Partides"
2010 Banshee Mordecai
2009 Benjamin Romeo "La Vina de Andres"
It's gonna be cold on Saturday, and that means we need some gigantic wine to warm us up! Every couple of months we put together a tasting with the biggest wines we can find out on the market. People absolutely LOVE really big wine. Wine that stains the teeth, enough alcohol to run your hybrid and thick jammy, fruit. Well, we decided to go out and find some of the absolute biggest flavored wines that exist on the planet. Big Grenache from Spain, gigantic Shiraz from Australia, and even some monster Zin from powerhouse Orin Swift. There are some wine writers that would describe these wines as "Hedonistic Thermonuclear Fruit Bombs" and that is exactly what these are...heck, one of these wines was recently described by one of the most powerful wine writers in the world as "a modern day legend in the making"!
Sooo - if you are looking to enjoy some really amazing wine this weekend, a few of the gems that we will have on the machine on Saturday definitely qualify in the "cult" wine category.
Call your best friends, draw straws to see who's going to be the D.D. and bring everyone to the tasting! The wines are going to be AMAZING!!!
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