Saturday April 16th, 2011
11am -8pm
2008 Arterberry Maresh "Maresh Vineyard" Pinot Noir
2009 Arterberry Maresh "Maresh Vineyard" Pinot Noir
2008 Arterberry Maresh "Juliard Vineyard" Pinot Noir
2009 Arterberry Maresh "Juliard Vineyard" Pinot Noir
2009 Arterberry Maresh "Dundee Hills" Pinot Noir
No - you probably have not heard of these wines. There is a reason for that...there simply ain't that much to go around.
Sitting at a dinner table last August with some wine lovers we tasted Arterberry Maresh for the first time. The wine was served blind to the group by world-renowned wine writer Josh Raynolds and the consensus at the table was that we were drinking young, incredibly expensive Burgundy. You can imagine how many jaws hit the floor when the reveal came to show that the wine was a relatively inexpensive Oregon Pinot Noir made by a 25 year old. Well, we here at winestore just decided we needed some for our stores...and so when we called Jim Maresh to order some he told us he could MAYBE send us 1 bottle of Chardonnay. Ummm, what? That was not really going to work, so we asked if he was interested in bringing his wines to winestore and the wonderful people in Charlotte. Eight long months have passed and now we have the wine for you - and you have the opportunity to taste these rising stars on our machines this weekend and see what all the chatter in the wine world is all about.
The Maresh Vineyard is the stuff of legend in Oregon Pinot Noir, and 25 year old Jim Maresh comes from a long line of winemakers, farmers and wine lovers. He makes wines that range in price from $25 to $75 and at every price level they outperform their peers. Jim is as old school as they come. He will only pick grapes from 30+ year old Dundee Hills vines. He does not tweak his wines - what he picks is what you drink. Jim recently said in an interview:
" I don't think anyone wants this more than me. This is damn near the only thing I do. I just want to make a wine off the best vines around. I want to put the wine in the people's hand, give them an amazing drinking experience. My wines need to deliver an experience. There needs to be a backstory to the complexity of the wines and the vines."
You probably hear wine lovers talk about how they knew about Silver Oak, Domaine Serene, Caymus, Opus One etc. etc. before they were HUGE wine brands. Well, now you'll get to talk about how you were in on the ground floor at Arterberry Maresh and you'll be drinking better Pinot Noir than just about anyone around...we'll drink to that :)
So we hope to see you this Saturday - no better way to kick off Spring than with some great Pinot Noir and good friends.
The team @ winestore.
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