Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Wente Chardonnay @ 23% off!

Wente Chardonnay 6 Pack Special!
2008 Wente "Morning Fog" Chardonnay
Regular Price: $12.99 per bottle
6 Pack Special: $9.95 per bottle
SAVE 23%

Last time we ran this deal people told us they would love it if we could do it again..and as they say, "Ask and you shall recieve!" Wente Morning Fog has got everything we love about California Chardonnay - a few buttery notes, some toasted oak - but nothing too over the top. It's refreshing right out of the fridge (or the cooler) and at $9.95 a bottle it's a steal.

So if you're looking for some Thanksgiving wine, some everyday wine, some tailgating wine or just looking for a great deal - your ship has come in. A great six pack for only $59.70 when it used to be $78. Take that extra $18.30 and grab some extra fixin's for Turkey Day!

To order you can:

Swing on by!

Call SOUTHPARK @ 704-442-4024

Call BLAKENEY @ 704-443-2944

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