Saturday February 26th, 2011
11am - 8pm
All Day Long
Blind Tastings are always a crowd favorite at winestore and once every year, we always put one of the most famous names in wine into the gauntlet....Caymus Special Selection (we're pretty sure the people at Caymus love this idea!).
Ahhh, Caymus Special Select. The $100+ flagship wine from one of the most well known and respected California producers. You may not even like wine or even drink wine and you have heard of Caymus. The real question is - If you were to taste the wine and not know that it is Caymus Special Select, could you pick it out? If you did not know the price, could not see the label etc. would it still taste better to you than a wine that costs 83% less? I mean, it is a "Special Selection", right? This wine is supposed to taste amazing!!
That is why we're playing "Find the Caymus Special Select" this Saturday. It's simple really. The wines will all be tasted blind. One of them will be Caymus Special Select and the others will be an assortment of wines at every price point from a number of different regions. All you have to do is taste and pick your favorite. Yes, that's right, your favorite. If that's the Special Select, then great, if not, well that's OK too. You may be surprised as to what your favorites actually are. Given that Special Select sells for north of $100 it is always interesting to see if there are wines that cost $9, $25, $50 or even $75 that taste better.
Some come on in for some tasting fun on Saturday and enjoy some great wine!