Saturday July 24th, 2010
11am -8pm
There are very few people who don't like Jeff Runquist Petite Sirah - I'm pretty sure we can count them on one hand. One thing people don't like is the $29.99 price tag. Is there something that tastes as good as Runquist Petite Sirah but is only $10? That is the question we get asked all the time. That is why this weekend we are putting the Runquist Petite Sirah up against other Petite's ranging in price from $9.99 to $50. The kicker is that all of them will be tasted blind. We think you are going to be pretty amazed at how the results end up.
If you don't know the price, can't see the label, and can't hear someone barking in your ear about the wine's "score," then all that is left is the juice and your taste buds. It's a scary proposition for any winemaker. That's why you have marketing departments that design catchy labels, create campaigns to build a wine's image, and spend all of their time and energy essentially trying to convince consumers that a wine is great. The problem is that you can't out "market" a blind tasting.
Which is why we're playing "Find the Runquist Petite Sirah" this Saturday. It's simple really. The wines will all be tasted blind. One of them will be 2008 Jeff Runquist Petite Sirah and the others will be an assortment of wines at every price point from a number of different regions. All you have to do is taste and pick your favorite. Yes, that's right, your favorite. If that's the Runquist, then great, if not, well that's OK too. You may be surprised as to what your favorites actually are.
We'll see you Saturday!!